Whether you are remodeling your retail store, office, or building a new commercial property from scratch, there’s no feeling like that last day. The construction staff is collecting their machinery and tools and finally, you are gearing up to open the doors.

But, when taking a look around, you realize the necessity of post-construction cleaning. Everything looks to be in place and there are piles of dust, dirt, and grime everywhere.

The final walkthrough is really important to ensure all loose ends are tied up, address any damage, and debris and determine whether the property is constructed up to the desired standard. To ensure all these, you need to prepare and follow a well-thought-out post-construction cleaning checklist.

Introduction to Post Construction Cleaning Checklist

A Post Construction Cleaning checklist is a detailed list of all the activities that needs to be performed step by step for in-depth cleaning. A comprehensive checklist is often prepared to help the staff members to take a walk through each space and clean every corner without missing a single thing.

A post-construction clean-up checklist mainly includes-

● Necessary tools and equipment for the ultimate clean up

● Specification of the areas that needs to be cleaned

● Mentioning the type of cleaning required in any specific area

● How long the job will take to complete

We all know, completing a construction project is really very exciting. Because, here everyone is extensively involved – The Labor, The Client and The Contractor. However, completing the last step before you have your belongings moved in is essential . You can always hire professionals for Construction Clean up services to reduce the burden from your shoulders.

So, before you sign off, use this comprehensive post-construction cleaning checklist guide to make sure every area is spotless-

A Brief of Post Construction Cleaning Checklist

Your post-construction cleaning checklist includes-

Entrances & Exits

You must inspect and clean all the doors and handles after the construction work before shifting into the new place. Here are some of the important areas that are prone to attention gathering. Make sure your professionals follow this checklist and clean it well before you arrive at the property-

● Dusting the corners and ceiling

● Cleaning windows and ledges

● Cleaning light fixtures and removing excess debris

● Cleaning doors, trim, molding , door frames, and doorknobs

● Sweeping and cleaning the entryway

Living Room and Common Areas

The residue from your living room and common areas knows no boundaries. Therefore, it must be kept clean, disinfected, and free of debris. After all, it’s the center of attraction, right? Here are some of the starting points or checklists to begin with cleaning activities.

● Check whether all lights are working or not

● Dusting and cleaning window sills, windows, and window tracks

● Leave no evidence of paint drops or marks of grime

● Sweep and mop the floors at least 3 to 4 times

● Cleaning the light switches and doorknobs, doors and door frames


Kitchens are one of the most complicated spaces where food spills, accumulation of garbage and splatter from throwing your trash away happen often. As a part of the post-construction clean-up, make sure you clean every corner and surface in the correct order as mentioned so you don’t miss any hard-to-reach places.

● Dusting walls and cleaning ceiling fans and vents

● Cleaning the countertops, sink and faucets

● Dusting all shelves and counters, and removing trash

● Cleaning of stove, microwave and refrigerator

● Cleaning all inside cabinets, and drawers

● Sweeping and vacuuming the floors

● Clean all windows, window grills and window tracks

● Wiping down all fixtures, and finishes


Most people are obsessed with disinfecting and sanitizing the bathrooms and spend more time cleaning the bathrooms. It requires the utmost level of attention to detail giving importance to sanitization. Follow this sequential checklist now-

● Deep clean the tub, tiles, shower and sink

● Sanitizing the toilets both inside, and outside

● Polishing the faucets

● Wiping down the mirrors, counters, and cabinets

● Dusting all the light fixtures, doorknobs, drawers, and cabinets

● Vacuum and mop the floors


When the construction work takes place in the bedrooms, often space gets covered with dust and left-out pieces of construction materials. Keep these things in mind while inspecting your bedroom space-

● Dust the built-in shelve units

● Clean the inside and outset closets

● Dust the light fixtures, ceiling fans, vents, and grates

● Wipe up the baseboards

● Vacuum the carpets and mop the floors

● Remove the dust from walls

● Put the left-out materials into the garbage bags

Outdoor Spaces

You may feel overwhelmed before your exterior property is completely clean and mess-free. Oh! That Feeling. So, hold on for one last checklist. This is the final step of post-construction clean-up. Make sure you collect all the tape, packaging, plastic, nuts & bolts and other waste materials to dispose of them properly for the most delightful experience. Find these important cleaning checklist-

● Power washing the walkways

● Cleaning swimming pools and hot tubs

● Dusting and cleaning window facings

● Sweeping all patios, porches, and decks

● Cleaning the mailbox and garage door


Whether it’s post construction clean-up for offices or House Cleaning Services, Sparkle Freshness is always ready to work on your  project with a high level of enthusiasm . Reach out to us now and we will go over with you a well-planned cleaning procedure for your project.

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